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Simpsons Porn Story: Split decision

Simpsons Porn Story: Split decision

Split decision

The house seemed quiet, empty in a way. The TV was on the sound was normal but there was still an odd emptiness. Milhouse knew what it was, it was his dad, Kirk. This morning he had told Milhouse of his and his moms decision to divorce, Milhouse had been hit by a steam train, or so it seemed. He hadnt gone to school that day, he had stayed in his bedroom crying. No amount of comfort from his mother had helped. That had been this morning, it was now evening, he and his mother had eaten tea in silence, Milhouse supposed if his mother wanted to tell him the reason why she would, at the moment she had chose not too.

Bart had called earlier but Milhouse had told his mother to simply say he wasnt feeling well, he wasnt but not in a sickness kind of way, he just didnt feel well. The TV was just a mirage of moving colours, nothing was sinking in, Milhouse simply didnt register what was happening on screen, even the new itchy and scratchy programme offered little to him. Milhouse knew his mother Luanne was sat on the sofa behind him, she never spoke she simply sat there, she also didnt seem to notice the TV even though she was watching it. Her soft voice suddenly spoke, come on Milhouse lets get you ready for bed.

They both, in a type of daze stood, Milhouse kept thinking of how just last night his mother and father had got dressed up to go to Barts house for a party, they had both looked smart he thought, little did he know that even as they were together they had been so very far apart. Milhouse and his mother reached the bottom of the stairs and started to climb, they reached the top and turned down the hall to his room, bathroom first she said. Milhouse simply obeyed, he normally moaned and groaned at this part, no tonight, he said nothing but just made his way to the bathroom.

Inside he flicked on the light and the bathroom, clean as always lit up. He walked towards the bath and stopped, he stayed there arms by his sides and simply stared, he felt his mother brush past him slowly, she never said a word, he saw her bend over, put the plug in and turn on the taps. The water gushed from the taps and began filling the bath. For several minutes Milhouse stood there, he stared at the bath as the water filled, higher and higher, his mother was sat on the side of the bath not even watching it as it filled. Milhouse leaned forward and tested it, it was a little hotter than he normally had it but he didnt bother, he turned off the taps. Milhouse didnt know how long he stood there for, but he heard his mother say, come on lets get you ready, she slipped from the bath and knelt before him.

He felt her unbutton his t-shirt, tug its sides up, Milhouse raised his arms and allowed her to remove his top. He usually bathed himself, he was after all old enough to do that, but things were the same, they were both not acting the same, they were in a daze, a trance like state, Milhouse kicked off his shoes and he felt his mother remove his socks, then shorts then underwear. He stood there before her completely naked, something he wouldnt have entertained two days ago, he would have been screaming for her to leave the room and he would have been covering himself up. She slipped an arm around his waste and said come on and guided him to the bath.

Milhouse stepped forward then up and into the bath, the water was still quite hot, he stood there, his mother was leaning against the bath staring past him at the tiles, his feet began to redden a little, it wasnt uncomfortably hot just hot. He heard his mothers voice again, soft and kind of empty, come on Luanne pull yourself together, Milhouse stood there still, feeling her arm brush past him, she retrieved the net sponge, his had a dogs head on it. He heard rather than saw he dip it into the water, then felt it on his shoulders as she squeezed it letting the hot water course down his back and front, several squeezes later he felt her rub his shoulders, lather appeared and he could smell the soapy aroma from his krusty bath soaps Milhouse turned in the bath allowing him to clean him.

His feet rubbed on the base of the bath as he turned, his back his front were lathered, he looked at his mother as she washed him, she wasvacant somewhere else her thoughts obviously her own but not here with them now. He turned, his hips were washed, then his butt, he turned he felt the sponge slip onto his crotch, Milhouse nor Luanne never batted an eyelid, he simply turned his thighs legs and then finally feet. Milhouse turned and faced the tiles again, his back once again to his mother, he heard her hand in the water, then the warm water run down his back as she began rinsing him.

Luanne never even thought what she was doing, normally she would run the bath for Milhouse then leave, but tonight she just felt what she was doing was normal, she had undressed Milhouse, helped him into the bath and began washing him, it was like he was ababy again, not that she meant to treat him as such she was just acting on impulse. She finished washing and automatically began rinsing, how had her and Kirk come to this, where had it all gone wrong she didnt know, she couldnt remember who had either brought up the subject of divorce, or who had asked for a divorce she just remembered agreeing to one.

Without even knowing it there relationship had come to a dead end, she could see no way out only this, she had been surprised at her reaction, surprised at her own strength when she had agreed, normally she would have gone along with what Kirk had said whether she had liked it or not, but not last night, nothing had snapped in her head, she hadnt been angry at him or at anything else, she had simply agreed, and in front of all those people, even when Marge had said yes to homer when he had proposed to her she had found the strength to say no to Kirk.

He must have felt so small in front of the crowd, the audience, she hadnt intended to make him feel so, hadnt intended to embarrass him, she just couldnt in her heart of hearts say yes and begin a life of a lie. She had apologised to Marge later, she hadnt shed any tears then or now but there was an emptiness there, something she knew couldnt be filled. She must have also hurt Milhouse, not just her but them both hurt him, neither had blamed each other, Kirk hadnt blamed her either when he had told Milhouse, she respected him for that, they or rather she..had fallen out of love.

She stared at the tiles, no images came to her mind, no memories, she simply stared and like an automaton rinsed, putting her hand in the warm water, squeezing out the suds and then putting the water filled net to her sons body and let it rinse him, she looked at him, his back was slim and smooth, the hot water had reddened the skin he stood there, not saying a word, not uttering anything, what was he thinking what was going through that young little troubled mind of his, had she hurt him, she rinsed again, he turned slightly, she rinsed his side, he turned again, she lowered the net into the water then placed it on his flat stomach, the water course out, suddenly Luanne stopped, everything left her head, divorce, kirk feelings all gone, her mind was a blank her face shocked and disbelieving.

There before her, naked her son stood and staring at her was his huge erection, she looked up at him, he was looking above her, staring, emotionless and blank he probably didnt even know himself his..condition. She looked down again, he was big, very big, for his age he was very big indeed, she wouldnt have been surprised if he was bigger than kirk, she simply stared, the water now dribbling from the sponge, her hand on his stomach inches away from her sons throbbing cock. She was speechless, not only was it probably longer than kirks, its girth, its thickness was definitely wider, where had this come from Luanne couldnt take her eyes from it.

Milhouse was still unaware, he had felt his mother washing him, he had turned for her and he had also felt her rinsing him, he hadnt noticed she had stopped, nor had he noticed he had a boner, a stiffy a raging hard on stood there in the bath before his mother, he was totally unaware. Luanne stared, simply stared she didnt even know or feel how inappropriate it was, how wrong to look and stare, no feelings were there just shock. It looked solid, like a rod, like a plank of wood, solid and there above it, her hand, what should she do rinse it, avoid it, she saw his two pubeless balls, smooth and like two small orbs in a bag, soap suds still dripping from them. Luanne still stared, and starred again she saw the suds dripping on his balls, with her emotional state how it was to begin with and now the added shock as she saw the soap suds the word..soap was in her mind.

Without knowing why she dropped the net and heard it splat on the water, she leaned over for the krusty soap, as she did hear head unknowingly yet obviously neared his cock, Milhouse didnt even know, as her hands touched and grasped the bottle, his cock touched her cheek, she stopped dead, she could smell the soap, but beneath that smell was the musky smell, a mans musky smell, the smell of arousal, Luanne jerked her head back, she almost, almost had clarity in her head, but it was again gone..soap. She opened the lid and poured a little into her palm, she saw her hand lather the small droplet of blue liquid, then she watched and her own hands raised and took the cock, her sons cock and began slowly rubbing in the soap.

A voice in her had, a little voice said why, what the hell are you doing, but it was only a little voice, an insignificant little voice, she just knew she had to wash her son, her hands slipped and slithered up and down his shaft, it felt thick, it felt very hard, she felt every ridge, every ripple everything accentuated with the soap, then her hands dipped into the water and cupped, she drained the water over his cock watching the soap disappear, two three times, before there was no soap to be seen, nothing but the hard yellow shaft of her sons erect cock. There was no soap, nothing left to rise off, the small voice in her head said, then why are your hands still rubbing, her eyes saw but her brain did not register, she was still rubbing, both her hands easily holding this huge tool, her sons member, she cupped his two small smooth balls, then her hands would glide back up to the shaft and rub, she watched herself as she slowly rubbed, she was jerking her son off and neither of them registered..yet.

She watched still, her hands stopped the movements of washing, her hand had gripped her sons cock, it felt like a solid iron bar, she pulled the foreskin back, the bulbous head throbbed, it was dark and moist, then she pulled forward, then back she was beginning to jerk him off properly now, she could feel her heart beating faster, she was staring and breathing through her nose, almost panting as she rubbed, the smell, the musky aroma getting stronger. Milhouse seemed to be being pulled back, he was in a world of his own, no one was with him he was just calm although alone here he seemed to feel at ease, but he was being pulled away, he didnt feel the urge to resist the pulling, it felt nice right almost, slowly he blinked and his calm place was gone, he was in the bathroom, he felt really good, but he didnt know why, then the sensations came to him, the sensations were strong and took him almost immediately, he felt his arousal, felt his stiff cock, his stiff cock being rubbed, he looked down.

The top of his mothers blue hair, her glasses, her nose, her hands, her hands were on his cock, rubbing it, jerking him off, he didnt feel repulsed scared or shocked, those emotions were numbed by the feeling of pleasure coursing through him, warming him, mom he managed to whisper.. Mom what are you doing.

Luanne heard her sons voice, or had she, she wasnt sure, harder she gripped and a little faster she rubbed, she noticed his little thighs begin to tremble, the skin softly shaking, the shaking became a little more pronounced it didnt take long before the shaking became soft jerks then harder jerks. Milhouse stared, he was in another world, god he felt good, every inch of him, every fibre in his body was being overwhelmed by a gorgeous tingling, he watched the slim hands rub, he saw past the hands, he saw his mother top, down her top, he breasts, he could see her bra, the two mounds of flesh softly wobble as she rubbed, oh yes he moaned, he felt his hips jerking, Milhouses mouth began to open, his head rolled and his eyes closed.

Luanne saw the hips jerking, it just encouraged her to rub faster, suddenly she gasped and let out a cry of shock as she felt a hot creamy jet of fluid hit her face and cover her glasses, his forehead had been hit, her hair, her nose and her mouth, uncontrollably, Luanne licked her mouth, she gasped with pleasure at the taste, the warm creamy salty taste in her mouth, she licked more, and without knowing it, deciding it or realising it, she pounced forward and opened her mouth, she felt the thick hot cock slide it, felt the creamy taste of her sons cum as extra spurts shot into her mouth, she moaned and held the end of his shaft and felt the cock slide in and out of her mouth, a combination of his jerks and her head bobs.

Milhouse gasped with pleasure as not only had he just shot his load he now found his cock sliding in and out of a warm wet orifice, his mothers orifice his mothers mouth, he had been shocked into reality not only was he conscious and aware of his surroundings he was very very aroused. He reached down passed his mothers head and slipped his hands down her top and squeezed what moments ago he had been staring at, her breasts. His hands had easily slipped passed her top and into her bra and now he held both naked smooth breasts in his hand, the nipples already erect and very hard, Milhouse moaned as he caressed her breasts. The moment was becoming more passionate, Luannes head was eagerly bobbing, taking the thick long shaft into her mouth wanting more of her sons sperm.

Milhouse wasnt going to come again just yet, he wanted to experience some of this himself, merely holding the breasts wasnt enough, he stepped out of the bath, his cock wetly fell from her mouth to a gasp from his mother, in one motions he placed his hands on her shoulders and moved her without resistance to the floor, she lay on her back, Milhouse slipped his head between her now open thighs, lifting her dress as he did so, he pulled her panties to the side eagerly. Her lips were smooth and shaven and Milhouse wasted no time, his mouth clamped onto her wet pussy, he back arched instantly and she groaned as she felt his tongue slip up and down her slit, forcing her lips open until she felt it slither inside her, oh god she moaned out loud and took his head in her hands and pulled it towards her. Within minutes she was convulsing on the floor as she orgasmed. Milhouse sucked in her erect clitoris and his tongue licked and he sucked for all he was worth on the erect nub, the bud was instantly responsive.

She jerked and spasmed as he mercilessly attacked her aroused area, yes yes yes she moaned oh my god im coming im coming again, and she did, Milhouse felt the warm dribble of fluids enter his mouth as his mother orgasmed, he swallowed but didnt stop, he wasnt finished yet. She panted and moaned her body writhing beneath her son, he was driving her wild, I cant take it she said no more I cant take it, no no ohh god she grunted yes im coming oh my fucking lord im cuming. This time, Milhouse tasted the juices again but not from a dribble, from a gush a jet of her cunt juices shot out into his surprised but wanting mouth.

Her body tense and her hands with nothing to grip she placed her palms on the floor and sat up, she growled, Milhouse fuck me fuck me now. He obliged. His small lithe frame slipped from between her open legs and as he sat he pulled and removed her panties, she raised herself willingly allowing him to remove them, he cast them to the side and fell forward, his throbbing eager cock hitting the target straight away, his cock slipped in very easily regardless of its thickness. They both gasped together, he at this new and fantastic feeling and sensation, she at the size of the hard member entering her body.

Milhouse slid completely into her, she grabbed his butt, pushing it, pressing him into her, he took hold of the front of her dress and tore it , the buttons gave and her bra became exposed, Milhouse lifted it over her breasts, his head fell onto one waiting nipple while his hand firmly caressed the free breast. Slowly his hips began to speed up as he thrust into her, Luanne lifted her legs and placed her feet flat on the floor, allowing him to enter her deeper, god your filling me up she wailed, faster and faster Milhouse pumped his cock into her, she gasped and panted for breath as another powerful orgasm raced towards her, as it reached and the overwhelming feelings ran through her she whimpered and groaned as he body shook with pleasure.

Oh mom oh mom he cried, im coming im coming, fuck me fuck me she said, she wrapped her arms around him and bucked her hips onto each of his thrusts, suddenly he wailed out and she felt his hot cream fill her insides, oh god yes she said as she realised her son had come inside her. Milhouse collapsed on top of her, panting and sweating, his head on her naked breast, his ear filled with the sound of her beating and racing heart, he felt his cum seep out of her pussy. He looked up at his mothers face, she was also sweating, she was smiling and crying too, I love you she said, Milhouse smiled and replied I love you to mom. They kissed softly on the lips.

Milhouse rolled off, his cock now limp with cum and orgasm juices soaking his shaft, he sat up and looked a his mother, she lay on her back, her dress raised and her legs wide open, her torn dress revealing her breasts, her breasts still heaving as she fought to get her breath, mom, can we do this again, some more, she turned to him and smiled, im counting on it she said. The feeling of emptiness they both had was gone, they had found a way to fill it, and Milhouse knew he was going to fill it on a regular basis.

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