The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe Game Review

A lot of people have wanted to see additional endings for The Stanley Parable.
We explained to them that the site was not in need of more content, that it was perfect with the way it was. because it had already the perfect number of different endings.
What a pathetic slew of lies that was.
We were aware of it. We realized that we were being deceived however we made it up anyway. It has had a negative impact on our lives over the years.
There is no more.
This is the time to get this fixed and let our shame go. We’ll give you our shame, for you to wear it instead. We’re sick of it.
From the liars who created the award-winning Indie game The Stanley Parable comes The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is an update to The original game that adds more content, more endings and more fun adventures for Stanley and The Narrator, the best of friends. Stanley and the Narrator. This game will release on PC and consoles on the 1st of January in 2019.
It is a bitter regret that deceiving so many loyal customers for many years is an enjoyable flavorful.
It’s over, seriously. This is the end of the story.

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