Godot FPS Learning Project Game Review

Hello guys !
This demo was developed using Godot Engine 3.
1. A true FPS controller that is able to climb Ledges as well as climb Ladders Crawl in vents, walk along slopes, Swim .. etc.
2- Complex inventory system. Items can be dropped to store them or make fresh ones.
3. More powerful AI System than can Avoid all others, Search the, hear, strike the enemy, investigate, and patrol … and more.
Four effects include Lens Flares and Minimap.
5More sophisticated UI system, Damage system, Game Console system Settings system, Save and Load System … and more.
6. A variety of additional features and information are included that you can use in your game.
7- Everything connects to everything. You will be able to master how to do it the most simple way however, you will be able to do it like experts.
Do not forget to take out a line from the code. It’s the moment you press “B” it can hurt the user, I did this to debug the issue, sorry.

Honest Review made by swf adult games

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